

First English Language Competition Held for Budapest Secondary Schools by Avicenna International College


For the first time, Avicenna International College organized a two-round English Language Competition for 6th-8th grade students, with the aim of covering all primary schools in Budapest.   The online round took place on 28 January 2023, for which 133 students registered free of charge, and the second, offline round was held on 13 March. The 118 students from 29 secondary schools with their teachers and parents mainly from Budapest assembled in the largest ground-floor auditorium, and sat around the tables allocated to their school, waiting to be called 10 minutes before their exams. The excited students were escorted by the [...]

First English Language Competition Held for Budapest Secondary Schools by Avicenna International College2023-04-05T14:30:25+02:00

AIC-Erasmus Students Enjoy a Sunny Weekend Getaway to Picturesque Szentendre Near Budapest


On 13 March we decided to take out all of our Italian Erasmus students for the second weekend in a row as some of them are going to leave us in 2 weeks.This Sunday the weather was again very nice and permitting which was pretty unusual after a chilling cold Saturday with gale force winds. We went to the picturesque small town near Budapest called Sant'Andrea which is the Italian for Szentendre, on a day characterized by brightness, sunshine and clear sky. We took the suburban train from Batthany and walked into the city centre to discover the medieval [...]

AIC-Erasmus Students Enjoy a Sunny Weekend Getaway to Picturesque Szentendre Near Budapest2023-03-14T16:00:02+01:00

Italian Erasmus Exchange Students Enjoy a Day of Sightseeing on Gellert Hill in Budapest


On the first Saturday of March, we went out with a group of 9 Italian Erasmus students. Five of them arrived at Avicenna on 1 March joining the others who have been here since the beginning of January. The weather was fantastic, a brief but surprisingly intense summary day at the beginning of the astrological Spring allowed us to take to Gellert Hill and spend the late morning hours together on the slopes of Gellert visiting famous landmarks such as the statue of Gellert, the statue of Liberty, the almond -tree garden, the Castello Türke and the unforgettable Philosophers Garden [...]

Italian Erasmus Exchange Students Enjoy a Day of Sightseeing on Gellert Hill in Budapest2023-03-13T11:34:02+01:00

AIC Summer Camp 2023


For Hungarian and International High School Students AIC Summer Camp Program is a supervised program for students between the age of 13-17 from Hungary and outside Hungary, (European and non-European countries). This camp is designed for 20 busy and enjoyable days during summer 2023. 02 - 23 July, 2023 (program starts on the 3rd) July 31 - August 21, 2023 (program starts on 1st of August)    Students participating in this summer camp will: Learn and practice English, Learn and practice Sciences (Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry), Participate in sport activities (tennis, swimming or running), Participate [...]

AIC Summer Camp 20232023-03-07T09:58:22+01:00

Farsang – the Hungarian Carnival season at AIC


The Hungarian farsang, also known as the carnival season, is a festive period leading up to the start of Lent. This celebration is a time for indulging in food, drink, and merriment before the period of fasting and reflection that Lent represents in the Christian tradition. AIC held its first farsang a few days ago which went very well. We held a raffle selling tickets to win prizes that stole the show over all the other games. This was only possible with the help of the diligent student council where everyone worked hard to get this event organized [...]

Farsang – the Hungarian Carnival season at AIC2023-03-03T09:42:42+01:00

AIC students take on Italy: Exploring digital cultural heritage and intercultural experiences


On 19 March 2022 the very first group of 10 students from Avicenna will depart for a two-week long Erasmus mobility project in Foligno, Italy. The students will board a plane for Rome with their accompanying teacher and Erasmus coordinator Mr. Steve and with Mr. Reza who is our photographer and media-man. From Rome they will take a hired bus to go to their destination city in the Umbria Region called Foligno. The students will attend classes in the morning every weekday in three different schools in the company of other high school pupils from Portugal, Spain, Greece, [...]

AIC students take on Italy: Exploring digital cultural heritage and intercultural experiences2023-03-02T11:59:49+01:00

AIC’s International High school students attended BODY WORLDS exhibition


The BODY WORLDS exhibits are one of the most successful travelling exhibitions in the world. On display since 1995, they have attracted more than 50 million visitors in over 150 cities across the Americas, Asia, Australasia, Europe and South-Africa. The primary goal of the exhibition creators, Dr. Angelina Whalley and Dr. Gunther von Hagens, is preventive healthcare. Their BODY WORLDS exhibitions were conceived to educate the public about the inner workings of the human body and to show the effects of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. Targeted mainly at a lay audience, the exhibitions are aimed to inspire visitors [...]

AIC’s International High school students attended BODY WORLDS exhibition2023-02-27T08:26:48+01:00

Visits to the Library of the Hungarian Parliament


After long preparations, AIC launched its programme of visits to the Library of the Hungarian Parliament in mid-February 2023. Our first group of nine high school students and three teachers set off after their lessons to visit the 150-year-old, grandiose library, where they were given a half-hour summary on books on Hungarian and international law, political science, history, their lending facilities, a brief history of the library, and then a memorable walk in a place in an atmosphere that could provide a quality learning environment for some of our high school students after they turn 18. From the [...]

Visits to the Library of the Hungarian Parliament2023-02-22T09:18:24+01:00

First job shadowing activity


AIC welcomed its very first job shadowing activity when an Italian colleague Alessia Montanucci spent a week with us from 30 Jan until 3 February. Alessia came from Marsciano in Umbria from the Salvatorelli-Moneta high school. She is also the Erasmus coordinator of her school where she teaches English and where two of our 5 Italian Erasmus students are coming from, Luca and Noemi. Alessia joined our language (English, Hungarian and German) and humanities (History, Civilisation, Art) subject classes during her five-day stay at Avicenna. She did not only observe the classes but also held English classes for [...]

First job shadowing activity2023-02-13T15:32:29+01:00

Italian Erasmus+ Students of Avicenna Visit Budapest’s Market Hall


The Budapest Market Hall is a must-see for anyone visiting Budapest. It is an open-air market that sells goods from all over the world. This bustling marketplace has been a feature of the Hungarian capital since 1237. Its exotic goods and vibrant atmosphere draw tourists from all over the world. On this occasion Avicenna International College teachers went on a cultural tour in the Market Hall with our Erasmus+ students visiting us for the second semester of 2022-2023. Each week, millions of people travel to Budapest for business or pleasure. They have a memorable time at the market [...]

Italian Erasmus+ Students of Avicenna Visit Budapest’s Market Hall2023-02-09T11:22:11+01:00
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