Spanish and Turkish Erasmus students at AIC
17-21 February 2025
This week from 17 to 21 February marked the return of Erasmus groups to Avicenna after the long winter break. We were delighted to welcome a group of Spanish adult students from near Madrid from a partner language school
This busy and equally action packed week was designed the way that both visiting Erasmus groups could get the most of our activities. It was schooltime and participating in the lessons mingled with our students of mainly grade 10 and 11 in the morning hours. On Thursday before lunch our Spanish visitors gave a stunning performance about their culture, food, architecture, urban Madrid living space and about their job descriptions to stimulate our students to learn more Spanish and plan with the prospect of studying and living in Spain as a possibility.
In the afternoons we went two different ways for most of the cases, the Turkish group was taken to the tomb of Gül Baba in Buda which is the northernmost shrine and pilgrimage site for Turkish people, a historical venue and a nicely kept museum garden with a spectacular panorama to Buda and Pest. They also went on sightseeing tours and to the National Natural Museum in Ludovica.
Organised and Written by: Steve Szabó
26. Feb. 2025.